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    Friday, February 6, 2009

    Wow, watch out for them crazy bitches. Woman carved her name into guy's arm after one night stand

    Think twice about that girl you plan on bringing home after the club or bar or where ever. Bitch might be a lil off her rocker. Apparently this guy was on valium and slept through the whole thing. smh

    "When I woke I was covered in blood. Dominique was snoring. I just had to get out of there. I didn't even wake her to ask what she'd done. "I'm scarred for life" he told The Sun. "I wish I'd never met her"
    He said: 'I went to her place for sex, not to be tattooed. I can't believe she did this to me and I hate her."

    looks like club entry should come with a background check for some women. pewwnn...

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